Christopher Gloria - Sweden - WristWidget®

Christopher Gloria - Sweden

Hi Wendy,

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU! for inventing this amazing product. After faithfully wearing the wristwidget 24/7 for 12 weeks, my wrist pain is GONE!!! 

On the 11th week of using it, I canceled my keyhole surgery that was scheduled 2 weeks later. I am so grateful to have found your product. No more pain! And also, I am back in the gym and doing heavy lifting again, but this time I am more careful and now using wrist straps.

Some people complain of the skin being irritated when using the wrist widget, I just put a sports tape on the affected area, then use the wristwidget. Problem solved.

Again THANK YOU!!! 

Wishing you more success!!!

Christopher Gloria
Stockholm, Sweden
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